PRCC Outplacement
The PRCC Outplacement
has five components is individually tailored to you includes coaching, qualification, and networking

Process Of A Specialised Outplacement – and FAQs

The concrete procedure of the outplacement is individual. We develop a personal programme based on the requirements of the candidate. All people who go through a PRCC outplacement will receive intensive counselling, coaching, and training. We connect and recommend the candidates. If desired, we close qualification gaps and accompany the candidates into a new employment relationship – and beyond.

Reflect & Orientate

  • Coming to terms with the separation – not least: “Why me?”
  • Status quo analysis incl. strengths and weaknesses – personal, professional, methodical
    Comparison of expectations and market opportunitie
  • Definition of desirable and realistic goals

Profiling & Positioning

  • Comparison of self-image and external image
  • Potential & competence analysis for future orientation
  • Personal branding and personal story
  • Document check and optimisation: cover letter, CV, references
  • Presentation and activities in social networks

Train & Qualify

  • Interview training, feedback interviews
  • Contract negotiation, remuneration consulting
  • If required: qualification via the German Academy for Public Relations (dapr)

Network & Apply

  • Development of an effective application strategy
  • Intensive support of the application process incl. preparation and follow-up work
  • Networking, identification of targets, vacancy check, talks with multipliers, recommendations etc.

Onboarding & Establishing

  • Preparation for the new position and support during the first 100 days in the new job
  • Feedbacks, exchange of experiences, sparring and coaching in case of challenges

Frequently Asked Questions About Outplacement

What is outplacement?

The term outplacement refers to counselling in professional reorientation – whether triggered by a dismissal (and often associated with financing by the former employer) or the individual’s own desire for change. The process starts with an analysis of the status quo, followed by a definition of goals and support in the application process. You are in regular contact with the consultant, receive feedback and coaching and have a sparring partner when it comes to remuneration and contract negotiations, for example.

What do employees get out of outplacement?

Probably the most important benefit: You find a new professional task – perhaps even one that suits you better than the previous one.

Guided by the outplacement consultant you will take a close look at yourself, your skills, your strengths and weaknesses, but also your personal wishes and goals. You strengthen your profile and make conscious decisions for your career. Thus, the reorientation is also an opportunity to emerge from the situation stronger and happier than before. Moreover, you will expand your network during the outplacement process.

Is outplacement a ” monetary benefit”? Does it have to be taxed?

No, not since 2020. Outplacement advice for departing employees initiated and financed by the employer is not treated as a non-cash benefit.

How does the outplacement process work at PRCC?

The term outplacement refers to counselling in professional reorientation.

You agree on the components of the outplacement package with your consultant at the beginning of the process.

Basically, we start with a stocktaking. What are your goals, strengths and weaknesses? What were the reasons for your termination and can we derive any recommendations for the future? We carry out a comprehensive document check and examine your personal branding.

Next, we accompany your applications with intensive feedback interviews and jointly identify targets and multipliers.

In addition, you will receive coaching on contract negotiations and we will offer you further training with our training partner dapr.

And if you wish, we will accompany you into your new job: with regular feedback and telephone calls during the first 100 days of your new employment.

How is the support of candidates ensured on site?

Outplacement is a highly individual matter and requires a trusting relationship between candidate and consultant. Personal contact is therefore our top priority. We are where the candidate is. In addition to being available by phone or video call, we guarantee regular personal meetings – throughout Germany and at short notice.

How do I find the outplacement consultancy that suits me?

The term outplacement refers to counselling in professional reorientation.

You should be “on the same wavelength” with your outplacement consultant. You exchange ideas, talk about strengths, weaknesses and above all your personal goals. If you don’t think you are in good hands, this will stand in the way of a successful cooperation. Ask yourself a few key questions after the first meeting at the latest:

  • Expertise: Does the consultant understand what you do in your job? Does he only bring experience in general career counselling, or does he know your industry?
  • Human resources: Do you have a regular contact person who is likable to you? Is there a team behind your consultant who can provide additional input? Is your counsellor reliable and easy to reach? 
  • Honesty: Do you feel your consultant is honest and realistic with his or her assessments regarding your competences and chances on the labour market? Do you feel taken seriously? Are the contracts designed transparently? 
  • Networking: Is your advisor networked well enough to place your profile directly with the right people?

Should you go for a generalist or a specialist?

The term outplacement refers to counselling in professional reorientation – whether triggered by a dismissal (and often associated with the financing by the former employer), or by a change of career. You have the goal of taking a new path in communication or marketing, so you should also rely on advisors who know what they (and you!) are talking about. This way you ensure that the networks reach into the positions that are relevant to you.

Why is PRCC the right partner for me?

Because we are not about accompanying your “out” with a few warm words, but because we show you a “next”. Because we know the industry and know where your expertise fits in. Because we pursue a holistic concept and bundle competencies to provide you with the best possible advice: At PRCC, professionals from recruiting, coaching, and training work hand in hand.

Your Contact Person

PRCC Personal Thomas Lüdeke

Thomas Lüdeke

Managing Partner
Are you interested in our outplacement services? Thomas Lüdeke will be happy to help you.

Feel free to call me personally at +49 211 17607066, or fill out the form.
